As Hokie Alum, we get it. Money can be TIGHT. That’s why we’ve made our student specials as affordable as possible! Select the plan below that’s right for YOU!

  • Standard Student Rate! JUST $49/month!

    Unlimited access to open gym + 1 complimentary class/month!

  • Bronze Student Rate! JUST $59/month!

    4 classes/month + unlimited open gym!

  • Silver Student Rate! JUST $69/month!

    12 classes/month + unlimited open gym!

  • Gold Student Rate! JUST $79/month!

    Unlimited classes + unlimited open gym!

You MUST be a Student or Member of Service (active or veteran) in Military, Fire, Police/EMS, etc. to be eligible for this membership and show proof with ID. 

Have a question? Call or TEXT us at 540-315-3231!